En el libro Manual de Comercio Justo de Gavin Fridell, Zack Gross y Sean McHugh, en la Parte 2: Comercio Justo en Acción, Martin Van Den Borre de Cooperativa La Siembra relata su visita a la Cooperativa Manduvira Ltda. en Arroyos y Esteros, Paraguay.

 ¡Dulce! Cómo el comercio justo impulsa la revolución del azúcar por Martin Van Den Borre

 En un hermoso día de octubre de 2016, el sol estaba escondiéndose lentamente en la pequeña ciudad de Arroyos y Esteros. Después de un largo día de trabajo y reuniones con los productores de azúcar, mi colega Josiane Paquette y yo, estamos disfrutando de un paseo en bote en el río Manduvira.

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In 2016, Manduvira Cooperative received a new award the INTERNATIONAL STAR FOR QUALITY, recognition of quality. The award was held in Geneva, Switzerland, the Cooperative was represented, the Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Luis Darío Ruiz Diaz.

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On April 4, 2018, the inauguration of the soil analysis laboratory financed by the municipality of Córdoba of Spain and the IDEAS Cooperative, cooperating of our organization, with the presence of local and departmental authorities and representatives of several institutions with which Our Organization, partners of the Manduvira Cooperative, Vice President of the Idea Cooperative of Spain, Roberto Ballesteros, Councilman of the Cordoba of Spain Juan Hidalgo and of International cooperation Immaculate Santana, also inaugurated the fertilizer plant organic financed by the Inclusive Paraguay Project of the MAG with the presence of the Director Bettina Levy and the Vice Minister of Livestock Dr. Marcelo González.

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